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Grief & Gratitude

I received *Yung Pueblo's Clarity & Connection for my birthday and I've been devouring his words for the past few days. His books are a quick read but the small clusters of words are so healing and the depth is so rich that I am sure I will go back and read through them multiple times, underlining, dog-earing pages, and repeating over and over to myself, "yes, yes, yes."

August is unearthing more grief from my job loss last year. This time of year was always super busy at my job with classes starting, staff and faculty retreats, and one of our annual events.

I don't necessarily miss all of those things, but some days I desperately miss the "me" that was a part of all of it. The identity I had built for myself that I honestly didn't even know what there until it was all stripped away.

I grieve her some days.

So I let myself cry and be sad for a bit, and also remember all of the wonderful ways life is different now.

It is slower, more intentional, and I have the time to focus on what feels good and right for my soul. How I want to live now versus how I felt like I had to live before.

So I let myself feel the grief. I let it move through me, and live alongside the gratitude. It is all a part of who I am.

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